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Shelter - Harlan Coben Now I know that I am a fast reader, usually reading at least one book a day, but I absolutely devoured this book. I think in total it took me an hour and half to read it. That is fast, even by my standards. After having read the book all I have to say is why haven't I read a novel by Harlan Coben before?

I was hooked from the first page and when I finished the book, I immediately wanted to read another one. Unfortunately, Shelter is Harlan Coben's first forray into writing a YA novel. Having said that, I really hope he writes another one. The novel was the perfect blend of suspense, intrigue, humor, and sensitivity. The character's, who were all very different, came across as authentic and real in both their relationships and interactions.

The protagonist Mickey is currently living with his uncle Myron after having lost both his mother and father in some shape or form. Mickey is both a likeable character and an honourable one. He has a tremendous sense of right and wrong, and a very deep social conscience that is not usually displayed at his age. He, despite the recent trials and tribulations he has been through, remains steadfast in the belief that you should help those who are in need despite the personal cost, and displays this throughout the novel on his search for his missing girlfriend.

All in all, I found this a very enjoyable and easy read. It can get a bit suggestive at times, but it's really nothing more than you would see on TV in any primetime show.